Just a Minute | January 2025
Happy New Year! Be sure to join us for the next live stream of the January screening! We’ll be live with filmmakers and screening all of the submissions over on the Minute Movies YouTube channel.
Minute Movies is a group for film enthusiasts who want to make short films. Every month there is a new single-word theme and filmmakers make movies about a minute long inspired by the word. Everyone is invited to participate, no matter their equipment or experience level. We have a range of people from first time filmmakers filming on a phone to professionals filming on a high quality camera and everyone in between.
On the third Sunday of the month we have a virtual live screening with the filmmakers in attendance so anyone can come, watch, and ask the filmmakers questions or give feedback. Everyone is welcome to submit a short film or watch the screening!
Submit your Minute Movie
Participate in our monthly FrankenFilm
Watch the live screening
There are a few ways to keep in touch with the Minute Movies community. Join us for one of our community chats and sign up for the newsletter.
On the fourth Sunday of every month we meet on zoom to hang out and chat with all of our filmmaker friends.
The Minute Movies Newsletter, Just a Minute, comes out after every screening. Sign up to keep up to date with announcements and to get access to everything Minute Movies.
Minute Movies was founded in 2014 and we’ve been making awesome movies and building an amazing community ever since!
Want to participate in Minute Movies? We have a few options you can dive into. Either make your own Minute Movies, sign up to participate in our monthly FrankenFilm, or join the Minute Movies Mix (coming soon!).
Everyone gets a small piece of the same script. You film your bit without knowing what anyone else is working on. See the clips put together into one Minute Movie at the monthly screening.
Make a movie about a minute long inspired by the word of the month. Everything else is up to your imagination and creativity!
Participate as a videographer or an editor. Either film footage inspired by the word, or take footage others filmed to cut together into your own masterpiece.
Happy New Year! Be sure to join us for the next live stream of the January screening! We’ll be live with filmmakers and screening all of the submissions over on the Minute Movies YouTube channel.
Welcome back to the newsletter! It has been a while since I’ve written to you all and I’m happy to be back. Subscribe to the newsletter to stay up to date on our upcoming screenings.
Meet Tom Wells, an avid skier and retired college professor turned filmmaker. Catch his work at our next screening on the third Sunday of every month. How many Minute Movies have you made?35 — h…
“I love many different aspects of filmmaking, but I mostly love seeing my stories become reality. Seattle Minute Movies supports me in doing this, because if without the pressure of a deadline, and the incentive of having my work screened, I know that there’s no way I would have been this consistent in making shorts over the last two and a half years. In fact, it starts to get downright addicting when you’ve got a streak going, it never seems like the right time to stop!”
“I absolutely love Seattle Minute Movies! Sarah’s an awesome young leader. She’s created something special. The monthly projects help keep all of us honest and true to our commitment to our work. Being limited to one or two minutes is a golden practice as it “forces,” the filmmaker to tell a story in a very distilled manner. Everyone is welcomed to give feedback after each person’s screening although it is by no means mandatory. It’s all chill and serious at the same time.”
“It’s a lot of fun and illustrates the incredible breadth of creative minds and talents.”