Minute Movie

Minute Movie
What is a Minute Movie?
Minute Movies are movies about a minute long inspired by a single-word theme. Every month there is a new theme and filmmakers make and submit their short films to be screened at the monthly screening.
Watch Minute Movies on the YouTube Channel:
How to Participate
- Find out the theme for the month, announced at the prior screening and posted in the newsletter and event calendar.
- Make a movie about a minute long inspired by the theme.
- Submit by the Saturday before the screening.
- Attend the screening!
Be sure to sign up for the monthly newsletter, Just a Minute, so you never miss an opportunity to participate.
Submission Guidelines
- All movies should be roughly one minute long, no more than two minutes plus 15 seconds of credits
- Somewhere in the credits include the theme and the phrase “Made for Seattle Minute Movies”
- No copyrighted material (including music, graphics, etc.)
- This is a family friendly group, please keep your film a PG-13 rating
- Deadline is the Saturday before the screening
- Movies will be screened on a first-come, first-serve basis. In the interest of keep the screening from exceeding a 2 hour time limit, movies that follow the guidelines will have priority
- If you are unable to attend the screening you may still submit your film to be screened and added to the YouTube playlist
If you have questions about these guidelines send an email to hello@minutemovies.com